RCCG Dominion Embassy, Woodbridge (DEW) is a parish of The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) North America. DEW is a non-denominational Pentecostal church home to everyone from all cultures, tribes, races, and nationalities. A Church of all nations and all colors clothed together in the love and beauty of Jesus Christ. It is a multi-ethnic church called to impact life, spread the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, and lead the lost to Christ. DEW is dynamic and progressive in thoughts, ideas, and outreach but remains solid in foundation and beliefs in Christ.

We are the ambassadors of Christ, with the obligation and grace to reconcile the world through the gospel's message. At DEW, we have a simple goal; to see that people come to Christ, grow in the Christian faith, and make heaven, as we share God's love in faith (Eph 3:17). In addition to the global mission of RCCG, at Dominion Embassy, our mission is to help people realize and live their God-given purpose on earth. One family and one person at a time.   Phil 3;20, 2 Cor 5:20, Matt 16:18-19, John 18:36. A center where Families and Friends, Fellowship together in faith. 

Indeed, the Lord has ordered your steps into this place for a glorious encounter. Start to encounter and experience a new grace and fresh revelations. God will do new things in your life, which will amaze you as you take a step of faith to worship with us.

Welcome to the amazing family! Welcome home!


Mission Statement

Our mission is to glorify God, extend His Kingdom, and lead many of Christ's ways to make heaven together. Our goal is to prepare people to fulfill God and their purpose in life and be ready for the soon-coming King.

Vision Statement

To empower and impact individuals to become the winner whose life aligns with Christ's life.


Our Core Values:

God first: We put God first because we are passionate about Him. – Matthew 6:33

Christ-centered: We recognize Christ as our Lord and Savior. – 1 Corinthians 11:1-2

Genuine Worship: We render quality worship that always glorifies God. - John 4:24

Gospel-Centered: We proclaim the good news of Christ and the gospel with every slit opportunity. We exist to introduce people to Christ and help them to follow Him -Mark 16;15, Romans 1:16

Prayerfully Dependent: We trust God in prayer as we cannot do anything without Him. - John 15:5, Philippians 4:6

Biblical: Teachings and approaches align with Christ's life. We stand on the word of God to obey it. Matthew 7:24

Empowerment: We work toward equipping members to become Champions and assist with benevolence, serving as the hands and feet of Jesus among families and our community. -  Eph. 4:11-13
