
About Us

DEW is a non-denominational Pentecostal church home to everyone from all cultures, tribes, races, and nationalities.


Prayer Request

We work together with God's power when we exercise our authority in prayer. The power of prayer gives us strength & wisdom to overcome battles and worries.



We exist to introduce people to Christ and help them to follow Him. Our teachings and approaches align with Christ's life. We stand on the word of God to obey it.

We are delighted you are here.

We are a growing Church serving a growing community in faith and with the love of Christ, a small Church with a Big dream, uncommon impact, and building relationships with God and others.

Our website will give you a glimpse into who we are and what we do. We invite you to join us for one of our services, get to know us and experience the love of Christ through our church family.

Join us today! Our Lord Jesus Christ waits for you! To worship and to serve God TOGETHER.
